Montreal in 2012
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Father and daughter, before the race:
We left home at around 7h15 and went to the Jean Drapeau Island, where the race would start.
It was cold, we suffered a lot while waiting for the start of the race.
I found this to be just silly:
If you spent $200 in sports goods, you could have access to a special washroom before the race. Really?! $200??!! I pass...
A double-selfie before the race:
Waiting for the start:
My daughter, happy to be there:
As in most big races, the start happened in waves or corrals. We were in corral #12 and crossed the start line more than twenty minutes after the elite group.
My daughter and I were together only for the very first minutes of the race, she soon took off and I never saw her again on the track.
I tried to follow the 2h15 pacesetter. My previous PB on the half marathon had been 2h30, so dreaming of 2h15 was not so far-fetched.
I was able to keep up with that group for fifteen kilometers, but when we got to the uphill on St Jacques street, right in the middle of the Old Port, my legs just didn't respond anymore, I had to do the remaining six kilometers at a slower pace.
When I crossed the finish line the clock was showing 2h45, but my official time ended up being 2h20. Not so bad, not so bad... It's another personal best, so I can't complain.
Later on my daughter told me that she had arrived only nine minutes before me.
I walked very slowly to the metro station. Here I am arriving at home with my medal:
My diploma:
And here is my official time:
It's a PB!
The race is very well organized, there are musical bands here and there on the course, the number of aid stations is quite good and they have all the regular stuff that you expect to find in a big event (water, fruits, sports drinks, sponges, etc).
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